
The story of the digital negative (and why it matters to us)

    Today's post has a direct relationship with yesterday's article about why you should hire a professional photographer, so I hope you read both! (this one looks long, but is a fast read...)

     God made each of us to be unique individuals.  He's an artist.  He made so many things, so many pieces to the largest puzzle ever and they all fit and they all have different colors and sides and shades and some are good and some give you trouble, but when it's all finished, you step back, look at the view and pull out your camera and take the picture because it is beautiful.  It's a great story.  And that's how we see it.  A great story, a great piece of the puzzle we're honored to share.
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On hiring photographers and printing your images

     I'm disappointed in myself.  I couldn't come up with a more clever title for this post. I'm slipping...But let's get to it. Hiring a photographer is an investment.  It matters and it makes a difference.  When you hire a photographer, you are saying "this is really important to me".  That's how I see it anyway.   Then what?  You need to print them.  I love the digital age, but pictures were made to be displayed and shared.  So would you run your new Maserati through the gas station quick wash?  This is all about why hiring a photographer and ordering your prints through your photographer makes a difference!


"How the heck?!"- a sort of how-to...

     One thing that makes the photographers I follow popular is the generosity they show on their blogs and websites.  I had been a hobbyist photographer and when it when it was time to consider becoming serious, I read and practiced and read and practiced some more.  And thank goodness for the Interwebs because photography books can get expensive.  I'm not saying you shouldn't support and purchase books, I'm just saying, I was an actor making not a lot of money so I went a different route.  So I would scour the Interwebnets and first, find photographers I liked and then, absorbed everything I could.

     So I'd like to do what I can to pay it forward


Swinging with the Dance Project

copyright McKindles Photography 2013
     Do you like you some Big Bad Voo Doo Daddy?!  A little Brian Setzer?!  Big Band?!  I know I do and have L.O.V.E.D the sound of big band and anything that sounded like swing music since forever. In fact, a couple weeks back while I was mowing the lawn Benny Goodman's Swing Swing Swing came up on the ipod and before the song ended, I selected "repeat one".  I still had about a good half hour to mow and I listened to those crazy trumpets and Gene Krupa's famous drum solo about 12 more times.   My grandparents got me hooked at a very early age and I'll be forever grateful for it.

     By the way, if you have been reading the blogs and study my style of storytelling,


3 Reasons why you should be thinking "Print First" and not "Disk Please!"

     I've been at my computer editing for 3 clients today.  I'm very fortunate and blessed to have clients all order at the same time.  I'm grateful to be sitting at my computer all day making sure the images look great.  My interest in photography began a handful of years before the DSLR (DIGITAL single lens reflex) camera was popular after converting to digital myself, had to learn how to use Photoshop for retouching.  (Some day I'll write about the truth, reality and misconceptions of Photoshop).  Stick with me...I'm getting to my point...  The common denominator with all three clients is that they all are receiving DVD's of their images.  Two are business clients and one is a family.  The family purchased a package that includes the DVD as well as prints and a beautiful coffee table album (one of my favorite products ever!).

     Now considering the title of this post, I must tell you that I am not criticizing the digital requests.  I offer it as a product.  The business clients need to use their images for business cards, websites and other promotional uses.  The family will have a nice backup and able to make Christmas cards with some of their favorite images.  This is all good stuff.  But let me get real honest in an attempt to help you, the photographers client understand why you should not think Disk first and Prints last.


Tell a great story with your phone!

Taking a picture of the watch would be okay, but even with my phone camera, I can tell a story!
     Last week, I posted about my favorite camera app for my phone.  As I mentioned, there is nothing wrong with being a phone photographer, and even the most popular photographers do it all of the time!  Unless you have an old flip phone (you know who I'm talking about), your phone is a great tool to take great pictures and tell great stories!  And I like the word "great" a lot... guess that's why I don't write for the NY Times...


The world has also gone a bit crazy when it comes to "selfies".  I was shooting a client yesterday and she had just recently been introduced to the term selfie.  Don't judge her...she's busy!  There are probably a TON of people out there that have A LOT of selfies on their phone, and that's great.  Well...only kinda great.   But here's the thing:  you are carrying around a pretty decent camera all day long, so why not learn how to tell really good stories with it?!


Newlyweds return for Christmas!

Ian & Brittany
copyright McKindles Photography 2013

     Ian and Brittany were married this summer and I had the privilege of being their wedding Photographer.  You can see images of their wedding on the website www.robbmckindlesphotography.com.  This was a day made special by the hard work both Ian and Brittany's families put in to decorating (Ian's mom turned an old shed into a photo op dream!), the exhaustive hours Brittany (quite the creative craft maker) put in to being a real D.I.Y. bride, and God for supplying an incredible sunset.  To top it all off, as we were taking a few extra shots as the sun was setting, a hot air balloon came


Mac & Cheeze? Why Mac & Cheeze?

     Sometimes, your brain can only hold together a handful of thoughts and the other thoughts you try to hold get dropped.  There was a study that said that we can only hold a certain number of separate ideas or thoughts at the same time (I think the number was 7) and then your brain can't hold another without dropping something.  All of this is to say that I thought we'd post a short blog today explaining the title Mac & Cheeze.

     First of all, I don't want anyone to be concerned about my ability to spell or use spell check.  I know that cheese has an "s" and not a "z".  And to be up transparent, I wasn't using the "z" to be clever or to keep it realz!


My favorite (mobile) app!

You'd be surprised (maybe) to find that photographers are not in the habit of turning their nose to the Instagramers and Snapchatters of the world just because we have one of those big fancy cameras.  I can speak for myself by admitting that I can get easily inspired when I use a fun app or I look over my wife's shoulder and see a piece of pure art on her phone.  For example, there was a picture she recently posted on Facebook that some friends had commented and "liked", giving me credit for such a beautiful image.  I was quick to acknowledge that it was not me at all!  It was Jenny!  (She's got a GREAT eye!...trust me!)  Still one of my favorite images ever, she took this beautiful shot...and posted it to Instagram and Facebook.
copyright Jenny McKindles 2013
Truth be told, she would not have created this image had I elected not to be the driver...so for that, I guess I should take credit...I'm kidding, of course.

     The point is that there are tons of apps out there and I am not afraid to pull out my phone to document ideas.  And my favorite app right now (after dumping a dozens) is


And away we go!

 After 44 years, I've finally learned a valuable lesson:  Never say "Never"!  I know that it's a little cliche' but I'll tell ya', I'm quite serious about this.  I never thought I'd stop acting.  I never thought I'd get married, or divorced for that matter... and then married again.  I never imagined I'd turn a passionate hobby (photography) and turn it into a full time business.  And I certainly never ever ever thought that  I would marry someone that I went to High School with (only because I was headin' out of town as soon as I graduated).  Finally, I REALLY thought that I would NEVER EVER live in Michigan again.