
Mac & Cheeze? Why Mac & Cheeze?

     Sometimes, your brain can only hold together a handful of thoughts and the other thoughts you try to hold get dropped.  There was a study that said that we can only hold a certain number of separate ideas or thoughts at the same time (I think the number was 7) and then your brain can't hold another without dropping something.  All of this is to say that I thought we'd post a short blog today explaining the title Mac & Cheeze.

     First of all, I don't want anyone to be concerned about my ability to spell or use spell check.  I know that cheese has an "s" and not a "z".  And to be up transparent, I wasn't using the "z" to be clever or to keep it realz!
The truth is that there were a ton of Mac and Cheese links, sites and feeds with the same title.

     Mac & Cheeze...

     We had on our list, several working titles.  The first was "Loving our Story", which was to connect McKindles Photography's "Love Your Story" slogan with the blog.  But after deciding that our blog wasn't going to be exclusively about our story and include photography tips and images from sessions and such, I wanted the title to include a photography related term.

     Jenny had suggested I just start throwing out photography terms and she'd start putting words together, but everything I said was way too technical and getting farther and farther away from topics not photography related.  With her laptop under her fingers, she started typing something on her keyboard.  She stopped typing, lifted her head and said "say cheese"!

(this is the part of the story we are foggy and both are taking credit for, so if you talk to her and she says she came up with the title, I'll be okay with that.  Even if I remember it as I came up with it.  But I love her enough to share....see how I share?!)

     I paused, then after only a few seconds I began to attach my wagon to this phrase and proclaimed "I like say cheese"...then, (as I remember it) the heavens opened up and God laid his hands gently on my head and said "Mac and Cheeze", to which I let the words come out of my mouth and shared it with the world.

(Jenny) I'm rolling her eyes right now...

 Thus, the birth of Mac and Cheeze!  At least, that's how I remember it...

     And of course, the "Mac" refers to a nickname that has been used for McKindles.  I remember tape on my brother's football helmets saying "Mac"  (writing McKindles was gonna take too much time I guess) or "Robbie Mac" was slung once upon a time while working at a theater years ago.

     So there you have it.  I know this isn't the most extraordinary post you'll read, but I thought that a simple explanation was in order.  Since our blog will cover such a range of topics, we just wanted to come up with a name that wasn't too deep, too specific or too artsy.

     Mac and Cheeze it is.

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