
Dr. Who? No, not Dr. Who, Dr. What's-his-name?

   The creation of Dr. Destitute!

     When we sat down to decide what season two would look like and what we had learned about season one, I knew all along that if we were/are going to make an better attempt at building an audience and not seeing this project survive, we needed to up our game.  I was also very much interested in making a little more of a cinematic push for Kokopelli man, so I had to come up with a reason to do so.  So the natural step would be to create a super hero's arch rival of course.

     I can't really remember the names we came up with over lunch, but I can tell you that the taco's were really good! (I've just started a cleanse with my sister-in-law, so if I start to riff on food, please understand...)  We wen't back to the office feeling energized with new ideas and a rough outline for the next several episodes.  I wanted to create episodes that were a (hopefully) entertaining way to show real or clear cut examples of the information James gives later in the episode.  Sort of After School Special meets Guys making a video about a sort of super hero concept.  I asked James about the topics he wanted to cover and started creating possible scenarios or scenes to support those topics.  The tacos were really really good and I'm thinking about them again... and some chips and salsa...

     When we sat down to share what we had come up with, John had a few really great points  and suggestions.  His strongest point was to not get too silly because there is real seriousness as to what they do and what it means to you and I.  Planning for the future, planning your retirement, health insurance, Life insurance, good debt vs. bad debt... this is all important stuff.  In pointing this out, I think John opened up the doors to exploring a bigger range of silly and serious ways to make their point.  In the first episode, I set a new tone that let's the audience know that we may get a little serious here.  But like I said, these subjects are serious.

     Returning to the point of the post (the origin of our villain's name), in making his point, John had thrown out the name "Dr. Destitute" while sharing some thoughts, not really remembering the name we had already chosen nor noticing that he had just came up with what would immediately become our villain's name.  Just one of those happy accidents... But he was right on!  Your choices can lead you to success or failure, to living in comfort or destitute.  And thus, Dr. Destitute was born...


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