
New Year equals New addition to our business!

     Well, I've been keeping it under wraps, but I thought it's time now to let everyone know that it is now 2014!!  Oh...wait... I thought that I was gonna surprise you!  Drat!  Well that's okay if you already knew...so I guess I'll take time to say a few thank you's, recap the year and mention some recent news about Robb Photo.

     2013 was eventful for me, to say the least.  On a professional level, we navigated through the incredibly difficult task of taking a small business and once again, moving it to another state.  And unless you are McDonalds or the Apple Store, this essentially means starting over.  Fortunately, with the support of my family and the constant advice from my oh-so-smart Father in-law, Robb Photo hit the ground running in so many exciting ways.  We joined the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce (I got a fancy sticker for my store window!), was invited to join a business group with a ton of really great business owners that have been incredibly faithful and supportive, shot some weddings, some high school seniors, some families, some businesses, a come back race for an Olympic athlete, and pitched in to create images for an incredible youth "mission" called The Dance Project, just to name a few.

     We've also been quite involved in shooting a lot of video for businesses wishing to add some zip to their websites.  From Chiropractors to Financial consultants, from straight forward testimonials to  more entertaining concepts, it's been a privilege to create different genres of videos to help these companies and with a few more in the pre production stages, it's starting off to be a great year!  These opportunities have inspired products for personal use as well!  So if you have a story you'd like to tell, have I got an idea for you!

     On the personal side, I guess you could say it's been a little quiet.  I mean, if turning 44, getting married, getting baptized, moving back to Michigan (where I grew up and of course, went to school...GO BLUE!) and spending your first blended family Christmas is quiet, well then you must work as one of those guys that direct airplanes to the gates...without earplugs.  

     It's also been fun to reconnect (if you can call it that) with some high school friends via Facebook, but the opportunity of actually getting a chance to see some of these folks, I won't lie, is a little exciting!  

     So thank you all for blessing me in both my professional and personal life.  It really was an extraordinary year.  I cannot remember a year going by nearly as fast as 2013, and I have to say, if 2013 was that good, I can't wait until 2014!!! Oh wait... it's already 2014... 

     Well.... OFF WE GO!!!!!!!

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